Tooth Extracting Forceps|(eng)
Tooth Extracting Forceps|(eng)
Tooth Ext ForcepsRoots 51 C Upper Roots (Eng Pat) ..
Tooth Extracting ForcepsNo 67For upper third Molars ..
Tooth Ext Forceps 12-100-55 500/67 AFor upper third molar ..
Tooth Ext ForcepsNo 67A For Upper Third Molar..
Tooth Ext ForcepsUpper Third Molars 67 (Eng Pat) No 67For upper Third Molars. ..
Tooth Ext ForcepsUpper Third Molars 67 AFor upper third Molars ..
Tooth Ext Forceps..
Tooth Ext Forceps 12-100-63Lower Molars 73No 73 For lower molars ..
Tooth Ext Forceps ,12-100-69Lower Roots 74 For lower Roots ..
Tooth Ext Forceps 12-100-70 Incisors and Roots 74N (Eng Pat)For lower roots ..
Tooth Ext Forceps 12-100-71Incisors and Roots ,Slender Jaw74XN (Eng Pat ) For lower Roots & crowed incisors..
Tooth Ext ForcepsIncisors and Bicuspids (Eng Pat)..